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For this tutorial we are going to use a minikube cluster locally, you do the same steps in any Kubernetes cluster be it managed or self-provisioned.
With the below command, you can easily install minikube on a local Mac and ensure you have Docker pre-installed.
brew install minikube
minikube start
Check the status of nodes and pods after minikube has started.
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get pods -A #A means pods from all namespaces
Now, let's helm as we will be using helm to install a HA vault cluster on minikube.
brew install helm
Steps for Hashicorp Vault
kubectl create ns vault
helm repo add hashicorp
helm install vault - namespace vault - set server.ha.enabled=true,server.ha.raft.enabled=true,server.ha.replicas=1 hashicorp/vault
#Wait for all the pods to come in running state
kubectl get all -n vault